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News for May can be divided into several important parts:

1) Russia has again begun to actively bombard the inner cities of Ukraine with kamikaze drones and missiles. During the month, there were 24 attacks, each involving about 20 drones and several missiles.

It's almost every day. We have a holiday, the day of Kiev (this is a very old city, it is 1540 years old), on this day Russia staged the most massive shelling of Kiev with kamikaze drones in the entire war, 54 drones per city. Almost all were shot.

My brother lives on the 19th floor in Kyiv and he can't sleep, because 90% of shelling happens at night, you have to go down to the bomb shelter. And you won't sleep there. In addition, he also has a wife and 2 children.

Sometimes he hides in the hallway using the two-wall rule. If there is no bomb shelter, you need to be behind at least 2 walls, the first will protect from an explosion, and the second from fragments.

Recently, a tragedy occurred in Kyiv. People ran to the bomb shelter, but the door was closed. At that moment, a rocket came and killed them. Their house remained intact, if they had stayed at home, they would have survived ...

Very sad.

Our city is hardly shelled, but the air raid siren sounds every day.

2) Everyone is interested in the question - When will the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian troops begin? I think that this will happen when we wear down the enemy (we destroy warehouses and logistics) and wait for the right moment. Signs of preparations for this offensive appeared last month as well.

Every day I see on the news how the warehouses in the cities captured by the Russians are exploding. Our saboteurs are working on the territory of Russia, who blow up trains with Russian military equipment. In addition to them, the RDK (Russian Volunteer Corps) began active partisan activity.

These are former Russian soldiers who are fighting against the Putin regime. They cross the border, penetrate the territory of Russia and destroy warehouses, police stations there, and engage in battles with the military. They have tanks and equipment, the largest of the raids lasted 3 days and they managed to capture several villages. After these raids, they return to the territory of Ukraine. Ukrainian troops, of course, support and supply them with supplies and equipment.

This necessitates the transfer of Russian troops from the hot spots of the front to the defense of the lines, thereby distracting and demotivating the enemy.

Another distraction is the attack by kamikaze drones of military factories near Moscow, as well as the village of Rublyovka, where the Russian elite and oligarchs live. The attack caused no serious damage. This is an image blow, which shows that the property of those who decided to go to war will be under attack. They, too, must feel that military action can reach them.

This will lead to the fact that the elite will begin to demand protection, increased air defense (which, again, will have to be dragged from the front of hostilities), and also demand that Putin end the war as soon as possible. Putin deceived them. Instead of a quick victory, he showed his worthlessness, destroyed the economy, dragged the country into sanctions. It is unlikely that the elites are satisfied with all this. Such behavior is counterproductive and obvious to everyone.

Considering all these factors, I think that the offensive will start quite soon, sometime in June. The goal is to break through the land corridor to the Crimea.

A lot of photos have accumulated over the month. There are several photos of how it was and how it became. It's about how we repair the destruction caused by war. Ukrainians are very hardworking people. We love to work and improve everything.

While this text was being written, Russia blew up the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station. This will lead to the complete flooding of more than 10 settlements, and may also lead to an environmental disaster.. All this in the next message.

Ukraine will be Free!



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