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On the cover of Time is our General Zaluzhny.

A lot has happened since my last post.

Ukraine continued the liberation of the occupied territories, more smoothly, slowly, but with daily success. Many Russian soldiers fled, literally on foot, on bicycles, as best they could. They have been abandoned, and this lowers their morale. Due to losses and the absence of a new influx of soldiers, Russia 21 Sept. announced a partial mobilization. However, it soon became clear that they take absolutely everyone, the sick, the old, it doesn’t matter. Everyone who came to the draft board, everyone goes to the front. There are many cases where even 60 years of age was chosen. The news of mass recruitment spread instantly, which led to a panic flight from the country of all dissenters. On all borders of the traffic jam.

During the first week, about 200 thousand people left Russia.

It is clear that the mobilized need to be prepared and trained. But people at the front are needed right now. Therefore, people are taken by bus immediately to the territory of Ukraine without training and equipment. And there is plenty of evidence for that.

There is a video where the soldiers are instructed what they will need to buy themselves first. They say there are no first aid kits. Therefore, they themselves need to buy car first-aid kits. Also buy women's tampons and if you get a bullet wound, you just need to put a tampon in the wound. This is such an army.

Most of all I don't understand why these people go to war.

Why are they so hostile to the Ukrainians that they are ready to go kill us and seize our lands. Not for the sake of money, the salaries of the mobilized are too low. Not for protection, no one attacked them. Not for fame or a great idea.

I can't understand it at all.

According to the latest data, it is known that 100 thousand people have already been mobilized. That's quite a lot. But in the plans of Russia from 300 thousand to 1 million.

On the same day, September 21, 215 Ukrainian servicemen were exchanged, including 108 fighters from the Azov battalion. It is very important that among them there are heroic commanders, all Ukrainians know them by sight. However, on the condition that they will be in Turkey until the end of the war. I don’t know how much the world media covered this event, but in Ukraine the release of living legends from captivity was a holiday.

So the orcs cannot advance, but they need to somehow report to their superiors that they are at war. The only thing they can do is bombard our territories with rockets, they do it every day and every night. They have a lot of missiles. Increasingly, they are shooting at critical infrastructure. Destroying power plants, bridges, there was an attempt to flood the city by blowing up a dam.

Yesterday, a group of civilian vehicles were fired upon by rockets as they left the city. 28 people died and 80 were injured.

In the liberated territories, torture chambers and mass burials of murdered civilians are found.

A terrible story, when a huge rocket flew into an ordinary private house, the whole family died. Huge funnel instead of a house. Miraculously, only the dog survived. She stood until morning at the site of the ruins and cried.

This is a very touching video.

Putin is absolutely crazy, no one doubts that. He continues to escalate the conflict. He again threatens with nuclear weapons. Lately, I've been hearing discussions everywhere about the possibility of a nuclear conflict. The plan is this: all the regions where there is a war, declare Russia and threaten with a nuclear strike in the event of military action on our part.

The referenda have already passed. This is a separate story of this vote .... Armed people walk through the captured cities and villages with a ballot box and force everyone to vote. Then they announced that 90% were for unification with Russia. Haha. Moreover, voting was even in those regions that could not be captured.

Yesterday, Putin arranged a holiday in the country and announced that 4 regions of Ukraine are now Russia. At the same moment, the Ukrainian army surrounded his troops in the city of Liman. This is the theater of the absurd. He seems to be living in a different reality.

(Liman has already been released according to the latest news of today.)

The world community reacted immediately, and all countries condemned the annexation and did not recognize the pseudo-referendum.

After that, Zelensky spoke and publicly signed a statement on Ukraine's entry into NATO. If this statement is supported by all countries, the participants will accept us into NATO. It will be a complete victory. Russia for half a year was not able to defeat one of our country. It was not possible to capture even 1 region of our country. Russia is absolutely powerless against NATO.

As you can see, events are developing very actively. There is both good and bad news at the same time. It is important to fight, be strong and never give up. We will win!



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