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I have not written about military events in my country for a long time. During August, there were almost no territorial changes at the front. The Russians are stopped, they cannot advance in any direction. They are also afraid to strike from aircraft, as we have become very good at shooting down their planes and helicopters. In addition, on August 9, Ukrainian forces attacked the airfield in Novofedorovka (Crimea). Colossal damage was inflicted, 14 aircraft were destroyed in one blow. Ammunition depots were also blown up. This is a very serious damage to their ability to attack in this direction.

I am very glad that all the Russians who occupied Crimea realized that now it is not safe in Crimea and Ukraine will recapture it. This led to a massive outflow of not only Russian tourists, but also Russians who have already settled in Crimea. Since April 9, Ukraine has been delivering pinpoint strikes on other warehouses in Crimea. With the help of a combat drone, even the military headquarters in Sevastopol was attacked.

All this limits the military actions of the Russians. As far as I understand, this is our main tactic, first of all, to disarm the enemy army, to make it impossible for new supplies of ammunition to arrive. Destroy logistics. Then the troops on the front line will either have to retreat or surrender.

According to various intelligence services, there are about 20-25 thousand Russian military personnel in the Kherson region. In the spring they crossed the Dnieper (this is a very large and wide river. The length of the bridge is 1 km) along 3 bridges. During August all these 3 bridges were destroyed by HIMARS. Now they carry out transportation on a pontoon bridge, which they built themselves. However, I don't think it will last long. Like all this accumulation of Russian troops in Kherson. The retreat of the Russians from Kherson will be a politically important defeat for Russia, since this is the only city-regional center that the Russians were able to capture without destroying.

 Russia continues to bombard our country with rockets every day. On August 8, there were explosions outside my city. No air raid sounds. Everyone was very surprised, not once did rockets arrive without an air raid. Since we are very far from the front of hostilities. As it turned out, these were Kinzhal missiles, the speed of which can exceed the speed of sound by 9 times.

The situation is much worse in the front-line areas. There are shelling almost daily, many ordinary civilians continue to die... Recently, a Russian rocket hit a passenger train with people.

There is also a very tense situation at the largest nuclear power plant in Energodar. There is a possibility of provocations and even an accident at a nuclear power plant. The Russians set up a military base on it. Now the IAEA mission is going there.

A few days ago, there was good news about the counteroffensive of our troops in the south in Kherson, but President Zelensky asked for silence and not to jump to premature conclusions. While waiting for more information. (So ​​far, 4 villages have been liberated.)

Today is September 1st, the start of a new school year. Most of our schools don't have bomb shelters, so kids will learn online.

My wife and I continue to study at a driving school. There will be practical driving lessons soon, I can't wait.

Thank you all very much for your support! I am very glad that you like my work. I will continue to try to do my job better.

At the end of the photo from Ukraine:



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