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Finally, the weapons supplied by the allies went into battle. Our combat capabilities have increased and there is good news in some areas. Firstly, they managed to sink a large military tug that was transporting soldiers and military equipment to the Zmeiny Island, captured by the Russians. After that, we destroyed the entire military contingent on the island itself with the help of English and French artillery. This island is of great strategic importance. Then we destroyed 2 gas production facilities in the Black Sea, which the Russians seized back in 2014. Since then, they have not only extracted our gas, but also used the towers as military radar and observation posts in the Black Sea region.

All this shows that the Russians are not the masters of the Black Sea, despite the fact that they would like to think so.

Very interesting events began to develop in the Baltic region. Lithuania refused land transit through its territory to the Kaliningrad region of Russia. This angered the Russian leadership. They began to threaten Lithuania. There was even a proposal to cut the corridor through Lithuania by force and capture all of Lithuania. It must be said that Lithuania's actions are absolutely legal and coordinated with the European Union, and Russia's claims should have been made against the European Union... but Russia likes to threaten weak, not strong rivals. It seems to me that these actions are a very interesting and thoughtful European political move. It will be very interesting to see how the situation develops.

The President of Kazakhstan also pleased everyone. At a business conference, sitting just a few meters from Putin, he told him to his face that he was not going to recognize either Lugansk or Donetsk as a separate country, but considered them to be the territory of Ukraine. This is important, because it is an example for others not to be afraid of Putin and it is possible and necessary to openly oppose him.

I thought Putin would be torn apart from anger right on the stage, but this did not happen. The next day, Russia blocked the transit of gas from Kazakhstan, and Kazakhstan blocked more than 1,000 Russian coal wagons. I look forward to further news.

Incredibly heavy fighting continues in eastern Ukraine, many dead and wounded on both sides, naturally we are told that there are more losses from Russia. However, the orcs continue to seize our lands, they have concentrated an incredibly huge force there. Severodonetsk is practically destroyed, as the only Russian tactic is scorched earth. Artillery turns everything to dust, after which the assault squads go on the offensive.

Attacks on Kharkov also resumed. It's a very big city and it's very disturbing. After today's shelling, there are dead civilians.

Here is the latest news in our country. The mood from all this is either good or bad. But confidence in our victory does not disappear for a second. We will not give up our land. Ukraine will be free.

As always, some photos:




Getting war updates from a lewd patreon account continues to be surreal. Stay strong. This shadow is but a passing one. One day the orcs will be gone, the darkness will pass and a new day will come. Sidenote: Here's a great video (from great channel) explaining the importance of Kalingrad https://youtu.be/b2f9Zf-MDtU