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March 15th.

Our city is still quiet. There are many air raid alerts every day. But nothing else exploded after the airport. There are fewer items in stores. The shelves are empty. But basic foodstuffs are in full abundance. Fresh bread, meat, eggs, milk - to eat. We are a farming country and we have everything.

Fighting continues throughout eastern Ukraine and beyond Kyiv. A terrible humanitarian catastrophe in Mariupol. I watched a video report of what was happening and that evening I could not eat. This is absolute horror. I don't know how this can happen these days. Why and for what all this? More than 2,000 civilians have died, the city of 400,000 people is all smoking from fires after shelling and bombing. Corpses lie on the streets, they are not even collected now. I never thought I would see this.

 Putin has already lost, but continues to destroy what he can.

Can't defeat soldiers, then shoots at civilians.

Terrorizes and threatens with chemical and nuclear attacks.

Experts say that the war will end soon, that there is not much time left, about 10 days.

I would like to believe. I do not know. But I don't think Putin will stop. (Maybe for a while). He is a maniac determined to end my country.

The leadership of Kyiv reported that 2 days of a closed regime were announced in the city and throughout the territory around the city. Nobody is allowed to leave the house. The assault on the city is expected on March 16-17.

2 hours ago, intelligence showed a photo of Russian warships heading for Odessa. I am sure that Odessa will survive.  Here are the latest news...

I will add a few photos and video of Kyiv from the Internet in recent days.




I'm kinda amazed you guys still have internett. I'd imagine that would be the first thing the Russians would target, but then again I read that their army communications is reliant on 4G 😂 and that it stopped working when they took down 4G towers. I hope the war is over soon, and that you don't have to give up Crimea. Lots of natural gas under the waterbed that would be Russian if that happens. https://youtu.be/If61baWF4GE


Thanks! I am in the center of Ukraine and I have good internet. In addition, Elon Musk betrayed many Starlink stations. Now the Internet has become even more accessible. Even if the fiber optic lines are damaged. As for Crimea, that is a different story. I have been going there every summer since my early childhood. I know all the coast. I have favorite places and little-known wild beaches. But I can't show it to my kids and I'm really sad about it.