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 🎁 The pic is a preview ^ ^ This was a reward for pets that I shrank in April! You can find it here on 4/3/20! 



I learned about Mana today! I didn't know you could use it All this time I thought I was just making you small, but actually I was taking away your essence! Hehe let me try Kylie!  




James Roy

Awesome set. Thank you goddess Kylie for solidifying how the process by which you take energy from use insignificant bugs works. Keep up the great work learning from goddess Kylie goddess lily. I cant wait to be at your disposal.


*Casts a disdainful glance downward at your tiny being* Hmph, look, a little toy *an invisible leash tugs at your tiny-collar, choking you, dangling you high in the air, before setting you down on her foot* worship toy.

James Roy

Yes goddess. *vigorously worships the divine feet knowing he's not truly worthy*


Take all the essence you need from me my Goddess. *bows at your feet* I'm your tiny toy to do with as you please.


Hm you've grown haven't you little toy michael? I'll take that (✿ ͡◕ ᴗ◕)つ━━✫・*。 *The paltry height you gained is taken from you as you dwindle away before her divinity* Hmph, better


Take all my esscense of you need help with goddess training I would be happy to help


Marvelous, my Goddess! My essence and all of myself are already yours, you can take as many as you want, so that I can be worthy to remain at your feet ❤ (Does this mean that both Goddess Lily and Goddess Zoe got Derek's essence and didn't use it? If so, I am very excited for what will happen 😍)


I am so blessed to even gaze upon your form, my beautiful God Queen. I am not even fit to lick your toes. What you say is true, pathetic men like me do not deserve to be big, we deserve to be shrunken before you, and subjected to any whim you or the other Goddesses so desire. We are nothing but toys before your powerful, feminine superiority.


Good little toy *Her divine foot rolls over your shrunken body like a rolling pin as she takes what little size you have left to give* beg me to take it toy


Please my goddess shrink me make me a speck on your toe nail. I will live there and clean it for the rest of my life.


My little gg you don't deserve to even be that big *she takes what little you have and adds it to her immense hoard of energy* it's mine toy, all of it.


You've grown a couple of millitres haven't you my little toy, you've been working so hard for it, haven't you little toy *kylie takes it all from you and then some* And now it's mine *smirks down at you as she presses your entire body down underneath her big toe with the most casual effort*


*laughs at you from far above* Yes, that would be a fitting fate for one so worthless as you, wouldn't it SPECK *you've dwindled down to almost nothing on her toenail* Now get to work slave, and as you grow from worship, I will take that from you in turn each and every time speck


*squirms pathetically beneath your toe* Thank you Goddess, I am truly nothing but a bug beneath your foot. I hope that I squish pleasantly for you.