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Hi tinies! It's me, your Goddess (✿ヘᴥヘ)

ÓwÓ so many tinies! I had so much fun playing with you guys this month ^^

We're just getting started! ^ↀᴥↀ^ 

Next month I'll let Holly stretch her legs some more and shrink more boys and girls tiny.

We'll also see more of Lily and Zoe of course!

I'll also start releasing chapters from my secret project <( ̄︶ ̄)>.. and a discord so we can play together! ^^

What is smol derek's fate? 


For being such loyal tinies, I'm rewarding you with this art pack! It's all of this month's art and stories, organized a little nicelier (◕ᴥ◕)❤️


🎁 This was a reward for pets that I shrank in February! You can find it here now! 


(If you were shrunk in February and missed it, let me know ^^)

I'm going to release another set tonight, and leave that up through next month, but make sure to get your art pack before Midnight tomorrow ok? The rest will be taken down uwu.

See you next month my sweet smol boys and girls (ꈍᴗꈍ)

Note: The page numbers are correct in the art pack, I seem to have skipped a number back in the 50's somewhere, ~oppsie ^^




yooooooooooou arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre the bessssssssst sensssssssssssssei ! T^T


The next time you open the box will be a great day.


Thank you for being so thoughtful and taking good care of us. 😊 I’m going to curl up in the corner of the box and take a nap so I can be rested for our next playtime. You’re so much bigger than me and it takes a lot of energy to please you but when I’m standing on the floor looking up at you I know it will be worth it. 😁


Thank you so much!


There there pet *caresses you gently* you're all tuckered out from all the fun we've been having! Sleep tight my tiny man! ❤️


Thank you Goddess&lt;3


Thank you! Wait is holly gonna pick some of us to play with? I love her purple shoes but I don't wanna get crushed!!


Holly: ^ↀᴥↀ^ "This one looks fun.." *picks you up and sets you down in front of her shiny flats* "aww soo tiny! One little step is all it would take.."


Oh no! I mean Hi Holly! Any chance I'm really cute and you would like to not squash me? I make a good toy or I'm also really cute I could be glued to jewelry or something! 😬


*giggle* I like it little pet.. you would just be a smol decoration on my toenail, that's all you'd be


Wait am I going on your toenail or Hollys?? I hope yours I dont know what Holly could do to me everyday!


Ah, I barely missed the mega link. Maybe next time!


I was shrunk in February and I missed it 😩