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Hey guys! I just wanted to check in and let you guys know where I'm at here.

First off I want to thank everyone who's been here, short term and long term, your support really means a lot and I can't put into words how appreciative I am that you all help fund the comic, support the art and just keep me afloat!

This year has been a wild ride since the end of last, and it's nice things have finally stabilized in a sense.

Health Updates: I'm exactly where I need to be. I'm incredibly happy with my current regimen at the gym body-building. My trainer and I are coming up on a new meso-cycle plan after my two-month cut and I'm excited to finally be able to eat more and have more energy again.

My training days have been nearly 4 hours on full days and then 2 hours on off days. I've been finding it more and more difficult closer to the end of my cut. I get home completely fatigued to the point where I mentally don't want to do anything which is a little disappointing, but going into this process and stage of my life I knew I would have to make financial sacrifices for my own health.

Comic Updates: We're getting pretty close to the end of the third book, once it's completed I will be printing both a full hard-cover trilogy of the first three chapters with extras, it will span about 100+ pages along with a soft cover of just the third.

I didn't print many, but even the incomplete Furnal Equinox was sold out entirely by middle of the second day which honestly blew my mind.

Merch Updates:

  • Books will be reprinted when the third chapter concludes along with extras.
  • I have plans for Dakis of Luca, Aiverich and Neo, eventually one of each of the crew and free downloadable PDF's of the comic available as well.

Commission Updates:

  • Starting next month I'm releasing one full-shaded commission tier (Ultra Boi) which will not count towards the Patreon's overall stretch goal until I can manage my time properly with training. It will cost more than my normal rates, only because I don't have as much time next month to take private work outside of what's already planned on schedule.
  • Any and all outstanding work will be slated for completion within the first week, I've spoken or provided check-ups to those who are currently waiting on work from me.
  • I will be focusing on FWA badge pre-orders, That form will be posted at the start of next month. Patrons of course have first dibs, and I've already had people reach out to secure their spots before it goes public mid-month.
  • After FWA I will be opening back up to smaller pieces, larger ones have been burning me out and I need a little breathing room.

That's about it in terms of things I wanted to keep you guys filled in on. Expect the second page of Alpha-9 to go up this evening! Thank you guys all once again for supporting, and also being so incredibly patient. I'll be doing my best this coming month to up my streaming schedule more since it fell off with con prep.

Stay awesome!



I’m so glad your taking care of yourself. Would definitely be interested in a book of the comic Oooo a new tier