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Hey guys!

Sorry I've been so quiet this month, I have dedicated the majority of this entire month and February to finishing off issue: 3 to have it print-ready for Furnal Equinox in March. It's kind of a lofty goal but I'm determined to have it ready to go so I've been prioritizing comic work for the beginning of the month.

I'm working on hopefully releasing Issue: 3 as a standalone, and a special edition triad/ hardcover of the first three issues combined into one! There's about 10 more pages left to go on top of the 6 I've already gotten to near completion, I also want to sneak in a few splash art pieces too so wish me luck!

I also lost close to a week of work at the start of the new year to being sick which I'm really upset at myself for.

I'll be breaking ground on current outstanding commissions come middle of the month for those I owe work to so expect to see progress on that after the 15th!

Cheers and thank you everyone!


NeoPaleo (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-15 20:22:21 Sickness and life happens, and always comes first. Take care of yourself for as long as you need, Patto. Hope you’re feeling better! <3 So looking forward to issue 3 and hardcover omnibus! :D
2023-01-12 16:58:33 Sickness and life happens, and always comes first. Take care of yourself for as long as you need, Patto. Hope you’re feeling better! <3 So looking forward to issue 3 and hardcover omnibus! :D

Sickness and life happens, and always comes first. Take care of yourself for as long as you need, Patto. Hope you’re feeling better! <3 So looking forward to issue 3 and hardcover omnibus! :D


I just recovered from covid a few days ago, a lot of sickness has definitely been going around. At least we’ve recovered. I know your going to get it done in time you are determined