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Just wanted to let you guys know before I just go and do it. I usually wait to post stuff from here onto my socials (at least a few months), but I was thinking about posting the cover to the comic, as a sort of incentive. Like, "hey, look at the preview for this comic! Come check it out!"

But I dunno, are you guys cool with that? I don't want you guys to feel cheated or anything. The comic itself'll stay here for a quite a while (heck, might not even post it publicly), but let me know if you'd rather me not post the cover so soon
(and if you don't wanna comment you can DM me - like fr I'll take your opinion into consideration)



I think it would be a great idea to post the cover, personally


I'm cool with it. Get those subs!


Maybe you can do what Trapped dreamer does when he post his content on patreon onto deviant. Like small previews

Matt Cameron

I think it’s a great idea as like a little teaser


Hell yeah get that bread, title page isn't worth getting jealous over


It shouldn’t be a problem if it’s just the cover!

Andrew Martinez

Yeah do it. It is a good way to get people looking at your patreon.


Whatever gets more eyes on your stuff! You deserve the support and advertisement never hurts

Hairless Chris

"Here's a preview... Join Patreon to find to read the adventure!"


That’s totally fair. Honestly, it’s a business and you should be advertising anyway. Make your bread, bud!


You know what that’s called…. Promoting! Go for it!! More people need to know about such an amazing artist!!


You should advertise most of your patreon stuff so people can see there is stuff worth stopping around for, 100%


I think it’s be a good promo, go for it