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Hey everyone,
So I've been doing this for a little more than a year now, and it occurred to me I've never really done any sort of "feedback" thing - as in, I've never really asked you guys how you feel about the Patreon, and how it's run. Are there things about it that bug you, things you want changed? Anything you'd like to see more of, or less of?

 I wanna hear what you guys have to say, so feel free to comment below and tell me your thoughts on the Patreon, good and bad, and, if you're so inclined, things I could do to improve. (you can also DM me if you'd rather keep it private). I wanna try and make this the best I can for you guys, so let me know!



I think you're doing great as far as putting out good content, im just really eager to see more comics and illustrations and seeing what sort of predicaments you pit these characters into next.

Andrew Martinez

Seems awesome. Enjoying it alot


No complaints from me, I'm here just because I like your content, and I get some extra goodies every now and again for it

Hairless Chris

All clear on the western front 😃 (that's an old World War 1 phrase for no trouble brewing) However have thought of introducing "Monthly Doodles Prompt Collection" for your paying Patreon subscribers? THE RULES: Each month's first Monday, Patreon subscribers will submit prompt ideas to the dedicated post as comments throughout the week. They'll be highly encouraged to upvote the other patrons comments/ideas they'd want you to draw during the week (probably 2-3 for that month). Then post them on Patreon before the end of the month. They could include cartoon characters or game characters. These are SKETCHES ONLY and NOT fully coloured pictures like paid commissions are. It's your choice on what 2-3 sketches you are comfortable in drawing of course.


I think things are being run great! My only note is to keep striking a healthy balance of what content is both a joy to create, and also enjoyed by the audience! That's what keeps things nice & fresh in my opinion.


I like what you are doing. I think the only things I would bring up is maybe create more comics (as I'm a fan of them) and when they are complete, compile them into a pdf so we can download it and it makes it easier to read.


In terms of content and deliverance, you're doing awesome nerd! There hasn't been a point when I haven't been getting my moneys worth.


I'd say though that I do really miss the comics. As well as that in reference to distributing them to social media, I'd recommend only uploading half the comic rather than the whole thing. It will make people more inclined to subscribe to the patreon than just banking on waiting for a period of time.


You're absolutely killing it dude! You're consistent and never disappoint. I do love it when you make a comic series, all your OCs are awesome!