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Roommates, right? Always getting into arguments about who's turn it is to "do the dishes", or "take out the trash". Luckily, when it comes to such impasses, Janet and Mez have worked out a foolproof way of deciding which one of them gets stuck with the chores~

There's not really a solid reason Janet's in half-Kitchy makeup here. I imagine she just got home from work and started taking it off, but was interrupted by the dishes argument (but the meta reason is I just thought it'd be fun to see her mid-makeup). 





Hairless Chris

Wait, I thought Kitchy wasn't wearing removable make up 😮 I thought it was permanent like the Joker.


Fantastic work, as usual. Always love seeing the girls in fun tickling situations.

Andrew Martinez

Omg I'd die I don't know how she is withstanding that


Love seeing a bit of Jan here!!