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So we're only halfway through February, but I'm already thinking about the March poll drawing - what themes /characters I wanna do. Feb, was superheroes, but because the genre of superheroes is so broad and full of characters, there's a lot I could do with it. So I wanted to hear from you guys - would you want to see more superhero stuff? Like maybe Marvel this time, or maybe some supervillain stuff? Or would you rather it be a different theme? Or, third option - more superhero stuff, but spaced out a bit so that it's not back-to-back heroes?

Also, feel free to comment too!



I love superhero tickles. Seeing strong muscular characters laughing and fighting against a playful weakness is always awesome so more, pretty please.


And could I ask for some desperation tickles? I know it is not everyone's thing but I can imagine Wonder Woman trying to hold something heavy above her head while being tickled or Black Widow sneaking into an enemy base and trying to stay silent as she is getting tickled.


When you say "Super-Heroes", are you talking Mainstream Super-Heroes, Some obscure ones from lesser known publishers, or some Original takes from your broad stable of Original Characters?


ah, I got ya!