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"Boy, will this give 'em something to talk about when they get together at their next peace through strength rally!" - Tony Stark

So after I released my Illustrious  Iron man I got tons requests to work on a new iron man, so here he is guys! Iron man's extremis armor right from the comics! With custom weapons! 

To be used with JulioNIB's amazing Iron man mod of course! Grab it here : https://www.patreon.com/posts/32659799

I have included a suit ini file (very important), to be installed here : "Grand Theft Auto V\Scripts\IronmanV Files (v3 E.G.)\Suits" 

And as always I will be making frequent updates, and thanks to you guys I can do all that I love guys, I'll be forever grateful for your support! Have fun!!!

Update : Fixed suit ini that was preventing weapons to come up (credits to one my Patrons over at discord)



Kid Flashhh

That’s too dope! Do the model prime armor next!


if it's convenient, I hope the author can upgrade this model to be as handsome and strong as in the cartoon Iron Man Extremis