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"You Know, It’s Times Like These When I Realize What A Superhero I Am."

- Tony Stark (Iron-man) 

Here's a quick secret project I worked on for a few days, The Illustrious Iron-Man outfit from Marvel's avengers, COMPLETE with a togglable helmet which brings out Tony Stark's face. Of course with full range of metallic effects as well. 

Also adjusted his height so that he's a little bit taller than the average GTA V pedestrian to match the armor's height as per comics. 

And as always guys have fun, and thanks to you guys that I can do what I do and I'm eternally grateful for that :) 

To be used with JulioNIB's Ironman EG script: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32659799

I have included a suit.ini file to be placed in : "Grand Theft Auto V\Scripts\IronmanV Files (v3 E.G.)\Suits"

Press "G" on keyboard to toggle helmet in game!



Saku Style

Dude what a crisp ass ped. holy sht

Renan Lisboa

Is possible create a animation of Tony wearing the suit / armor?