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So hey everyone. Firstly Happy New Year to you guys! 2020 has been an odd year for all of us to say the least but I'm content where I am and hope for more.

 At the beginning of the year I had no idea I would be where I am right now. I started the year with only a dream of being one of the creators for GTA V modding community. Then my friend/mentor TheFuumaSage trained me in all forms of art and I'm eternally grateful. Next I realized that to expand my horizons I'd need support and I began Patreon with only HOPING that I'd get some support and the love you guys have showed to me, the people I've met, it's made me grateful for so much. Here's a cheers to you guys, who gave power to create to me and pushed me ahead on a platform. I can never express to you guys how thankful I am. With the beginning of this year I wish for a stronger bond and a larger community for all of us. Your support has given us power to make that wish. I am eternally thankful. 

So guys first, I will put up my usual flow of posts this January too, most of it focussed on DC. But after this wave I was wondering what you guys might want me to try my hand at. So here's a little poll for you guys to tell me more and as always there's the comments :)

NOTE : If any specific suggestions, as always drop them in the comments, I look through each !


Jb mandri

naruto ped would be cool

Kid Flashhh (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-17 17:31:41 I would love to see your take on the NEW Tyler Hochelin suit from Superman & Lois. You’re a boss with these peds, so I know you’d do it justice!
2021-03-02 06:10:05 I would love to see your take on the NEW Tyler Hochelin suit from Superman & Lois. You’re a boss with these peds, so I know you’d do it justice!

I would love to see your take on the NEW Tyler Hochelin suit from Superman & Lois. You’re a boss with these peds, so I know you’d do it justice!