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Hey all, Misty here!

This month has been... Rough, and that's putting it mildly. Even with getting ADHD meds, I still don't quite feel like myself. I can't settle down. I'll open a story, push some words around, and then close it before shutting my laptop entirely only to do the same thing like twenty minutes later. On a related note, since I didn't deliver anything this month, I'm pausing next month.

That said, I think a lot of my being so floaty is this plumbing issue we have with the house's sewer line and all the uncertainty around it.

A pipe is broken and that's leading to a backwash situation into the tub when we run the washing machine. All seems fine otherwise but that doesn't change the fact that it needs to be fixed. One complicating factor is that we're on a slab, so the sewer line is about a foot and a half deep in concrete. Another is we have no idea how long it's been this way. We could be facing a huge issue.

We're going to end up doing the work ourselves since we can't possibly afford the four to five figures the job will cost. That's not counting all of the disruption from tearing up the floor, cutting into walls, etc. Hoping we have it resolved before my birthday in early November, but who knows? This could mean multiple weeks living with in-laws.

Well, anyway, that's where things are at right now. I'm a mess. The house is a mess. My writing is a mess, too. Still, you be excellent to each other until next time!


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