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Finished first session on the next story with Aine, Queen of Boobs and figured you all might want to take a peek n.n


Clara stepped behind the counter with Zeni. By time she looked back up, both Jadine and Aine were nowhere to be seen. Though it was not like their location was a mystery. There was only one place nearby that the pair of massively endowed women could have vanished to. Had Jadine taken the exhausted woman to the employee bathroom? The thought of all that round flesh together in such a small space made her throb in a way she never had in all her time daydreaming about resting her head on Jadine’s bosom.

Ten minutes passed and neither of them had returned. It got harder to not think about them making out, their bodies pressing against each other. There was also the chance that Aine really was suffering from heat stroke and Jadine was waiting for an ambulance. She was just about to ask Zeni if she could handle the counter herself so she could go check when she saw them.

The moment she laid eyes on Jadine, she felt her mind grind to a halt for a second time that day. Even with her walking next to AIne, Clara could not even comprehend the size of Jadine’s rack. It looked like she had stuffed two beach balls into her shirt with her already huge tits. 

Sure she was seeing things, she squeezed her eyes closed. When she opened them again, the uniform shirt Jadine was wearing was still filled with so much flesh that her arms were eclipsed by the massive curves. The shadow they cast extended enveloped what few inches of her stomach were still visible and her hips before it flowed down her legs. 

If the sheer size was not impossible enough, it had happened in less than ten minutes. Jadine had gone from having boobs about the size of her head to boobs probably five times that big in less time than it took to worry about her absence.

As the pair of unfairly over-endowed women drew close, Clara realized that Jadine’s size was unmistakably not caused by implants. The jiggle of those massive mounds was not the same stiff wobble of Aine’s. 


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