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Into the transformation sequence after getting distracted by coming up with a fascinating Celestial patron. Here's a sample and I plan to have this done tomorrow some time. Enjoy!

There was a surge of pleasure in his gut followed by a pop that scattered the droning whine for a moment. Then another and another. Sinking to his knees, hugging his stomach, Vanir was assaulted by alternating waves of distress and bliss.
He could tell something about his body was changing, but couldn’t focus on what precisely. His robes were starting to get tighter all over. He was more aware of how they felt against his skin. He felt feverish, his breath coming in quick stuttering gasps.
Out of nowhere, there was a surge of pleasure so intense that everything went white for a moment. At the same time, it felt like the world was being squished in from either side. When he could see again, Vanir realized his lithe figure had gotten broader and more stocky. His hips, in particular, were much wider than his shoulders.
The moment he noticed that detail, his third eye lit up. Another powerful surge filled him and he doubled over. Beneath his robes, something was growing from his lower back. Two hands gripped the fabric and tore it aside, allowing the new limbs to grow even larger. In a matter of seconds, not one but two pairs of bat-like wings had emerged from the hole in his robes. Once that was over, the ringing and the aching went away, leaving Vanir panting for breath.


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