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The Queue
  • Stories I plan to finish today: Clearance Candies, In the Aftermath…
  • Tomorrow: Birthday Party #5, Becoming Immense, revisions toStretchy Situation Side-A, plotting Side-B, outline for Twinkling Wishes
  • Next Week: Stretchy Situation Side-B, My Date is a Mage #4, When Women Wish for Bigger Day 0, follow up to Outgrowing Cosplay
  • This Month: CLv3, Script for Soul Stealing #1,  Wish For A… Swift Sensation, Split Wishes, and revisions to My First Party, Guess I’m a Slime Now, and My Gooey Girlfriend.
  • Beyond that: SO MANY THINGS owo;;

Considering that I am working next Saturday, and on vacation with family the weekend after, this might be too ambitious, but I really need to start making a plan and following it.

(.gif of Tohru and Kobayashi drunkenly laughing)

 Seriously though. Plan.

As for Patreon, I have the poll to figure out the scenario for CLv4′s original story. Once that is decided, there will be some amount of polling to design probably the protagonist, but maybe also other characters.

I also need to, somehow, pull all the note numbers on pieces, and rank them based on that for… reasons.

Anyway, going to cook and then crush Clearance Candies. I want to be done with it and did not expect it to give me this much trouble…


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