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For: @nowlegal | Word Count: 7877
Sex? Yes, quite a bit
Pairings: Cis Woman Solo
                 Cis Man dom. Cis Woman
                 Cis Woman dom. Cis Man

Warning: this sexually explicit story featuring a switching casual BDSM couple is about her getting breast implants and things going horribly right as she wakes up to smaller implants than she expected. Then, she is told they grow. So if breast expansion to [extreme sizes], breast worship, bondage, oil play, and/or superhuman increases in intellect and fitness bother you, this is probably not the story for you. Enjoy!

  It was, of course, just her luck. This was always how things worked out when she took a big risk without a fallback plan. She had could tell, as soon as she woke up, that all of this was only cherry on top away from being a disaster sundae. It could have been worse, sure, but as far as gambles went this was pretty much a flop. She had bought stock in a company that went bust soon after.

 Meradi listened to the doctor’s accented apologies dispassionately while she laid in a hospital bed in the clinic’s recovery room. Her body was still kind of numb, but her mind was cycling over the facts. She was alone and halfway around the world in Warsaw, she had just paid ten grand cash for her surgery, and her train back to Berlin was in five hours...


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