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(Getting close to done with this, so have a taste of things to come n.n)

An alarm was buzzing somewhere. It sounded like it was two or three rooms away. Then there was Basa’s voice.

“Jeff… Jaya… whichever you still are, wake up. Your alarm is going off.”

Barely awake and unsure themselves what the answer was, they tried to find out. Lying to the side on their left arm, their hips were tilted, twisted to the right. Their other hand reached between their legs. First they found a soft tuft of hair, then found a plush mound and not the base of a dick. It seemed that, despite the potion supposedly having long since worn off, they were still very much Jaya. 

Somewhere, deep down, she was... sad about losing her cock. That was not quite the right word, but it was the one closest to how she felt. Even so it was not like having a pussy was something she hated either. The potion was supposed to make you into the ideal of beauty you held in your heart. If she felt strongly enough about looking this way that she had remained transformed, even though a night’s sleep, then who was she to argue with herself? Besides, if she could still transform some amount, then she could grow it back if she really wanted to.

As her mind worked on those thoughts, she slowly became more aware and the sensations of her dramatically altered body began to flood her mind once more. No sooner was she cognizant, that she was indescribably horny. The desire flowing through her was like the most intense morning wood she had ever experienced as Jeff, only increased at least fifty times. Her entire body was vibrating with need. There was the breeze from the ceiling fan whispering over her partially exposed bust, the weight of her new tits against each other, the increased sensitivity of her plumped lips as her breath rushed across them, and then just how engorged her pussy was beneath her fingers. 

Much like morning wood, she was sure that this elevated physical state would go away once she got up and started moving around. It was likely that this hypersexual state was a result of the potion’s transformational effect interacting with her subconscious. This was the her unfettered by shame or ego. Teased by the stretched feeling of her boobs and more, she let herself slowly explore the body of her dreams’ making. 


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