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“As I was saying, trust nothing.” Then they were hurrying away, watching them run down the hall towards a me that did not exist gave me an idea. Putting my hand on the gem, I willed the spell to change and felt it changing to become a copy of the Sauropod. Now all I needed to do was walk down to impound, get my gear and we would be on our way.

Finding my way to impound was easier said than done, however. The underground compound was a dizzying array of identical looking hallways and staircases. The entire complex was sterile and industrial with white ceramic tile walls, faded gray vinyl floors, and ceilings that were supposed to emit a light similar in color to the planet’s star. In this case, the emissions were an orange that was closer to yellow than red. It might as well have been a space station for all I knew.

The illusion I had cast on Horne had taken most of the officers off the level I currently was on. I turned to go down a staircase and I bumped into coming up one as I rounded the corner. As we both stumbled back, I noticed they were a Bjornian. 

Effectively space dwarves, the Bjornian’s were split into many factions. There was no telling if this one, with bright green beard and hair, was part of a faction to which I was a fugitive, or to one that considered me a hero. As I felt my illusion snap from the contact, I figured I was about to find out. 

My tendrils lashed out, grabbing their neck and face. I made sure one of my wide pads were covering their mouth as the dwarf began to struggle. They wrestled me to the floor, penning me with their surprisingly heavy body and the tendril I had used to cover their mouth with their knee so their thick fingers could pull at my other. They were, however, starting to change color as I managed to clamp down on their airways.

Their fingers weekly pulled at my appendage before their eyes rolled back and they went limp. With their resistance neutralized, I was able to infiltrate their mind with my psionics. I frantically looked for information as I released my grasp. I discovered her name was Fenella. She knew where impound was so now I did, too. However, as luck would have it, she was also the third cousin of Duinniaj, Thane of Klojinfell, to whom I owed a debt. Bjornians were fanatical about such things and his involvement had complicated things before. I left a message for the Thane in her mind, promising to visit soon. Hopefully that would keep the Klojinni off my back until I could handle this slightly more pressing matter. I proped the dwarf up against the wall and scurried down stairs as the illusion flickered back into place.

I followed Fenella’s track down six floors before striking out in a southwesterly direction, always turning to the west when there was an opportunity. Eventually I found myself going at the top of a broad, sweeping ramp which spiraled down into a blue-green abyss. The white tile walls gave way to translucent blue crystal which pulsed with green light. I felt my hidden gear twinging as I drew close and my disguise disintegrated when I walked down the helix. Whatever the material was, it could dampen magic and interfere with Aseri technology.


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