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I feel like Goliath in the intro to Gargoyles right now. This weekend was intense with a capital I. Staffing a nearly two hundred person event with no A/C will do that.

Story Sitrep

[Posted the first micro fiction for June] a little earlier and have at least three more. Hammering out the details of the very complex Board game story still, so going to work on other stuff while I confirm the final scenario with @nowlegal

On that topic, I really need to dig in and get the Changelog stuff done. If you wanted to read the existing stories and tear them apart, I would love that feedback. Send me an ask off anon and I will reply privately with the links.

Beyond that, we are at 25 patrons--which is exciting. I am looking into which platforms work best for distributing Changelog to those of you who are not some portion of that 25. It is currently looking like itch.io and KDP might be my best bets, though you could always paypal me the $3 cover price I guess.


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