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I finally thought up the pose I want for Shinning's win comic. Will be working on that and try and finish before July's end! That shouldn't be an issue.

Next Commission work being done which is why things seem a bit slow, but I hope that everyone feels it has been worth sticking around so far! I enjoy giving people some fun art but I may need to either not take on animation jobs or just limit to 1 slot of that at most and work out a better price.

Lastly Not sure but I feel a break will be needed sometime soon. When that comes I will put a month pause on the patreon stuff just so I can either take needed time away from SFM and maybe use a month to learn blender (No promises) or just a general art break so I can get back to being more inspired. But I will definitely make some sort of announcment when that time comes.

Anyways as always thanks for being around and supporting me in anyway you can. Even retweets and likes can be enough to show that this is all worth the effort!



Sounds like a reasonable plan, having balance and rest is important :D


Thanks! I love what I make but I sometimes think I spend to much time on the Pc. I just wanted to be sure Shinne got his in before months end xD