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wooops, I just saw that I could post drawings into the "creations" tab xD so the next drawings will end up there, but I'll write a note here to tell that there is something new^^ but originaly I wanted to talk about something else: I wondered if it would be better if I change the 700$ milestone into something else. every other milestone will stay the same. Currently the 700$ milestone brings 1 page per week in colour. Would you guys prefer it if I change it into 500$, with 2 pages a week but without colour? That would make the story progress faster which I think is better. And like I sayed, everything else stays the same. Coloured pages will start with 2 pages a week if the 1400$ milestone is reached. So please tell me in the comments if you like that idea or not^^



Maybe we can add this milestone instead of replace it :)


I agree with this idea, if you can handle the workload then I think adding it as an additional milestone would be nicer. This means you can slowly get used to drawing more often and we can get more story and a color page sooner than later. But of course this is up to you and how much time you can eventually spare ^^;


Hmm tough choice, I'll abstain.