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Hello~ maybe you remember that I asked what I could draw as thank you for you guys for supporting me a while ago. Nagashofchaos sugessted a "Class Photo" of the characters what was a really nice idea. So here it it, the "class photo" of "Team Wolfenstahl" and "Team Schwarzfels" ;3 From left to right we got: Chiira, Minori and Ferania (Team Wolfenstahl) Claire, Aurora and Catheline (Team Schwarzfels) They are all wearing their "old" outfits. In the current webcomic the outfits are different, because it's in the modern time. After this chapter is done, we'll jump about 5000 years into the past^^ btw. this is a higher resolution png^^ only you guys get the big one ;3 (I don't know if the displayed one is shown in the right size, so I also added it as attachment^^) I really hope you guys like it^^



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