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It's been a while since we wanted to write about this, and finally we've gotten around to do it!

First of all, the characters shown above are all from the Visual Novel project we planned to do.
The working title of it is "Project Muramasa".

Now, the original plan was to get this out on Kickstarter, and later on get this VN (Visual Novel) on Steam with the help of a publisher.
However, plans changed.
I can't go too much into the details, partially because I don't know the "full story" myself, and partially because I don't want to jump to conclusions.
But let me just sum this up with saying, I don't trust a publisher who suddenly loses roughly half of it's employees and kinda does some other (seemingly) dick-ish moves.
Also, it's not that we signed anything or the remaining people know that we've been in talks with their company anyways so... yeah... let me just say I don't want to get into any sort of trouble and rather not get involved with them, as I don't think they're trustworthy any longer.
So this is no longer an option.

The VN Project Muramasa is shelved for now.
But we might get back to it at a later time, so don't worry.
I (Wolfenstahl) worked a lot on the characters and story, so there's already a lot of content there.

In the meantime we figured, we should introduce some of the important characters to everyone.
So the characters might be used in speedpaints or other requests.
And well, maybe we'll do some other game sometime with one of the characters as protagonist.
Who knows?

At any rate, not showing these characters to all of you would be a waste.
So let's get started with a brief introduction!

(On a side note: the characters are all Deathblight characters and have nothing in common with real life figures who bear similar family names)

Kuraiko Muramasa:
She's a wolfgirl ninja and the main character of the Project Muramasa VN. She is cheerful, a bit playful and energetic. She's also very smart and has acquired a high level of skill and discipline through constant training.

Haruka's a fox and one of Kuraiko's companions, she's also a ninja. While being a decent fighter her speciality is seducing men. Haruka is a bit of a big sister character and is always there to support Kuraiko.

As the youngest member of Kuraiko's ninja team she doesn't have much experience yet but is a prodigy when it comes to fighting. Her personality ranges from friendly to sadistic depending on who she's dealing with, she even has a touch of demon about her.
(Side note: this is a 'remake' of the Neamera from 'Paperheads', though her character in this is what was originally intended. Unlike the rest of the characters she has a non-Japanese name, however the reasons for this would be huge spoilers so I'll rather not do that haha...)

She's a commoner who drifts between simple jobs, such as working in restaurants. She ran away from home a long time ago and traveled all the way up to the north of the country. Occassionally she takes on mercenary jobs as she's a skilled swordfighter. Sachiko is always looking for new challenges and strong opponents to fight, she is more chaotic neutral than the other characters.
Which means she's often switching sides in the conflict, kinda on a whim.
Personality wise she's friendly and can be silly or noisy at times.

A ninja without any clan or allegiances she's Kuraiko's archenemy, the two often clash. Her main goal is to destabilize the province Kuraiko lives in in order to cripple the provinces ability to stand up in a war. Her eyes reveal her as a half-demon and thus she's more powerful compared to most other beings. Due to her half-demon heritage she suffered a lot of discrimination in her life which made her somewhat dislike most humans. She's arrogant and even a bit haughty, she loves to see mortals struggle in vain and toys with them occassionally. She often wears an oni-mask to conceal her identity.

Gumi Tachibana:
The princess of the Tachibana clan and beloved by the people. She visits the common people frequently, listening to and helping them as much as possible. Sometimes she even personally hunts down bandits or criminals. Gumi can be an airhead at times but she's friendly and hard working.

Sanae Masamune:
Head of the Masamune clan who have served under the Tachibana clan for generations. She's a general under Lord Tachibana (Gumi's father) and was appointed to directly aid Gumi. An exceptional tactician and loyal to the core, she's a shining example who inspires all of the warriors of the Tachibana and Masamune. Sanae always sticks to the law and can be very stubborn. She will follow any order given so long as its honourable.

Yukitora Masamune:
The strongest fighter in the northern regions of the country. Because of her skill she had been appointed the captain of Gumi's personal royal guard. She's a total MILF. Yukitora is dutiful, serious and loyal; though her daughter is the most precious thing in the world to her.

She's the famed flame dragon ninja of the Akechi province. Her nickname comes from her speciality of using alcohol to spit deadly flames on her enemies. She is very energetic and feisty, and likes to engange in direct combat. Together with her twin sister Chiharu the pair are considered to be unstoppable.

Chiharu is the venom snake ninja of the Akechi province. She specialises in all manner of underhanded tactics including poison and traps. Contrary to her sister she is calm, collected and can come across as cold at times. Whenever possible she avoids direct combat. When working together with Chinatsu the pair are unstoppable.




"Haruka's a fox..." You've got that right! ;)