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Hello everyone!

We've got a little surprise for you, a good one of course.

Thanks to a couple of very generous supporters who donated us a lot of money, we've been able to buy a brand new PC for Crescentia!

We also upgraded our internet connection to be much faster, which is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow (09/06). If everything goes according to plan (for once), we should be able to do live-streaming soon!

If things don't go according to plan, well... we might have no internet for 1-2 weeks...

It happens sometimes in our country, happened to our neighbors a while ago when they ordered a faster internet connection themselves.

However, normally there should be no problems at all!

At any rate, we figured it would be better to inform you all ahead of time, in case something bad happens.

Well, now lets get back to the good stuff:

First of all, yes, we're once again fulfilling a milestone without actually hitting that milestone goal haha, but, well, it's better to under promise and over deliver anyway, right?

Not reaching that milestone "yet" however also means, that we won't be able to do live streams on a regular basis, though we'll try to do them as often as we possibly can!

But most likely there will be times when we do a lot of live streams and then there will also be times when we're doing far less live streams.

That is, until we hit that milestone goal and are able to do more live streams.

Why's that?

Well, as of right now, we're still doing a lot of commissions.

Some of those commissions are not meant to be shown to the public, so we can't do live streams with those.

This means we have to wait until we hit that next milestone and thus are able to reduce the amount of commissions we do by a lot, which will give us the freedom to work more on our own stuff, which we can freely stream without issues.

I hope you all understand this.

At any rate, we're going to do live streams from time to time.

And I think that's good news!

Of course we will notify everyone ahead of time, when the first live stream is about to start!

Before that, we need to wait for our faster internet connection to arrive (scheduled for tomorrow) and do a private test-stream in order to verify that everything is running smoothly.

Our first test-stream revealed that our old internet connection was not good enough, constantly crashing the stream and lagging, which is why we upgraded to a faster one, together with buying a new PC!

(The new connection is about 4 times faster in download and roughly 20 times faster in upload)

So you all can look forward to our announcement for the first live streaming session!

(Btw. This post got written by Wolfenstahl, which is why I'm named in third person :3)


Most of the donators wished to be not named publicly.

So we decided on not giving out any name, so there's not the impression that just 1 or 2 people paid it all.

But never the less, we're very very very grateful for the support!

And we want to express our outmost gratitude to everyone who helped us realizing this goal.

Thank you very much!



That's awesome! Can't wait

Lee Thompson

Just don't cross the streams