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Hello ^^

Welcome to the fifth week progress report!

First and foremost, since there's a bunch of new supporters, you guys should check out this post here:


This campaign is meant to be for webcomics only in the long term, we only paused the webcomics due to an emergency, this campaign is NOT for game dev!

(note that these posts are an exception during times of emergency, since we believe our supporters should be informed of what is going on)

That being said, on with the progress report.

As I announced in last weeks post, this week was expected to be "less productive".

With the commission and the live stream not being Loki related and Cres and me going back to a 5 day work schedule, there were only 3 days Cres drew on Loki graphics this week.

Cres made a Loki pixel which took a significant amount of time due to Cres not being used to pixeling.

Also she worked on enemy graphics and finishing some 2 frame animations for the combat system.

Nothing too exiting, but still important for the project.

Meanwhile I made some maps as you can see in the images below.

Note that I am VERY slow and usually very dissatisfied with the maps.

(same as Cres not having experience with pixeling and thus taking longer, I also have no experience mapping and also take longer)

I'm roughly only at 10% of maps I am (more or less) satisfied with.

So still a long way to go with the maps...

I expect to sit on them for at least another week, more likely 2 weeks until I finished them.

On the plus side, once I'm done with that the majority of "uncomfortable" (as in, annoying) work for me is done.

Mapping isn't hard, it's just something I do not enjoy and that I am very slow to make progress with.

I'm also very "self critical" with how the current maps turned out and I have a habbit of remaking them over and over again.

But I figured I should just "leave it", as it's the best I can currently do.

What do you guys think of them?

At any rate, next week we expect to make some good progress on the Loki game.

At least art wise we're going on more or less a "final stretch".

By that I don't mean that Cres is finishing it up next week, but rather that she made it past the 50% mark and we hope to wrap most of the art up within the next weeks to come.

The implementation will take some time, but we're also getting there.

See ya next week ^^



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