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Welcome to the progress report of the first work week on the Loki/Jormungandr game!

We had a pretty strong start with Cres getting more art done than expected.

Loki has a very simple yet good design, thus it's possible for Cres to draw her relatively quick.

Here are some sample artworks, though we didn't post all that had been made so there will be a few "surprises" for people who read these progress reports, and we don't spoil the entire fun ^^

Meanwhile, I (Wolf) planned out the rough scope of the project and ported some stuff from the Taihou prototype over for this game.

It's going to be an RPG Maker MV game with lewds and a resolution of 1920 x 1080.

During our survey for screen resolutions on here, it was revealed that pretty much almost everyone uses that resolution nowadays, and the 3-5 individuals that do not, probably can still play the game as it appears you can simply downscale the "game window" in RPG Maker MV.

Which apparently eliminates the resolution problem.

(I've yet to make more tests with this, but I believe we should make full use of the 1920 x 1080 resolution regardless, and see Cres' glorious artworks in full rez)

Since I've been porting over what I programmed in the Taihou prototype, the combat system is pretty much done, safe for a few adjustments and some fine tuning.

So the majority of the work is writing, mapping, dialogues, implementation etc.

It's still a looooooot of work, and it's basically all going to be on me this time (Wolf).

(Cres is doing the art, eeeeeeeeeeeeverything else is being done by me, Wolf!)

Which means it's pretty much guaranteed Cres will "overtake" me in the schedule pretty quickly haha

At any rate, my plan is to get some more work done tomorrow and on monday as well, before we "take a day off" and attend some appointments.

We're also going to have our second covid shot next week.

So I hope that doesn't knock us out for several days.

(but yeah, side effects are possible, well, we'll see how it goes!)

Overall, we're going with a 6 day week to boost progress until we can afford to slow down or successfully wrap up the project, whatever comes first haha

First work week so far was a huge success.

Next week I hope to be able to post some screenshots from the game as the graphics are implemented ^^

See ya next week!
