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Hello everyone!

Today we have exciting news about the next webcomic project and how we will go forwards from here.

Note that Deathblight webcomic will be continuing as usual for next 1-2 years.

(so this in regards to Demon Hunter Red webcomic ONLY)

With Red webcomic having it's final page released today, the comic will end but it's not the last we'll be seeing of Red.

She will make a return in one form or another, possibly in a game project of her own, someday, but we didn't decide on anything specific yet.

The next webcomic project isn't fully fleshed out yet, as Red webcomic kept us busy throughout the last couple months, each of the long pages taking 2 entire work days to make.

That being said, the process for the upcoming webcomic is slightly different as we will be spending the next 2 months creating character sheets and concept art, as well as regularly posting those on the "webcomic days" to get you all excited and introduce the characters to you while avoiding spoilers.

We plan to do a webcomic about "Natasha" next, who is a somewhat normal person (not a demon) living in the medieval world of Deathblight.

Showing her struggles and the struggles of her comrades as they fight hordes of monsters and impossibly strong creatures in order to protect citizens of the kingdom which military they belong to.

So expect us to upload concept art and sketches every thursday, instead of a new webcomic page.

The new webcomic will then start in roughly 2 months when all the preparations had been completed.

Which basically means you will witness firsthand a portion of the preparations we usually undertake before we start a project.

Just note that the previous months of preparations work are not accounted for in this.

(so you really just get a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg here)

At any rate, we hope you're excited to learn more next week!

And we hope you enjoyed Red webcomic and are looking forwards to our next webcomic, which this time will be running a LOT longer than Red.

(as a rough guideline, we plan for Natasha's webcomic to run at least 3 years with the weekly pace of Red)

Let us know what you think in the comments below!

Have a nice weekend and see you next time.


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