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Hello everyone!

Here you can  see Minori's concept art for the RPG Maker Project. (Actually it's a flat-coloured sketch, not a full artwork yet ;3)
In the upcoming days we'll upload more concept art for the RPG Maker game we just started making.

Of course she's still the same Minori, just her clothes have changed a bit.

We decided on having the Deathblight RPG game take place in modern times.

By modern times we mean: Today's technology and world.

This way we can have more sexy clothing as well as the story doesn't interfere with the webcomics story.

Aside from the usual game over stuff, we wanted to include "non-game over" scenes as well.

We currently plan to give the characters the option to earn money via prostitution or working as maids in a maid café.

As well as having several other options on having hentai scenes while avoiding game over scenes.

(we'll talk more about this some other time)

But yes, of course we're also having the game over scenes as usual.

Other good news:

Ahriman, the creator of "The moral sword of Asagi" has allowed us to use his script and code.

This means we're saving some time because we can use most of the code and just need to make adjustments here and there.

Of course there's still enough work to do, the maps, the enemies, the story and dialogues etc.

Still this saves us some time and it makes things easier.

(as we mentioned in a post earlier, we wanted to make a game with a very similar combat system to "The moral sword of Asagi" just with Deathblight characters)

In case you haven't played "The moral sword of Asagi" yet, you can check it out here (English DLSite Link):


Or here (Japanese DLSite Link):


I'll upload Feranias concept art in the upcoming days, and then I'll do some concept art about the first enemies that make it into the game.

Of course we'll add more characters to the game as the work progresses.

(and more enemies of course too!)

If everything goes according to plan, we should be able to finish planning and concept art this month, and start the real work next month.

And yes we're going to invest some extra time into it so we can get a first playable version out as soon as possible.

But please don't expect any miracles, building up the basic game will still need some time, but we are doing our best of course^^




wird es auch einen deutsche übersetzung geben ? ^^ wäre echt toll


(ich antworte mal auf englisch, damit es alle verstehn können und die Frage nicht mit anderen Sprachen noch aufkommt^^) no, I'm sorry, we are not doing a german translation. The game as well as the webcomic will only be available in english. We've got a tight budget and we want to focus on creating the game and the webcomic, and not investing time and money into translations. Fan translations are very welcome, but we ourselves won't do any translations and focus on creating the english version only, especially since the majority of our fanbase is english.