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(This Post is written by Wolfenstahl ;3)


Here are the results of the poll/survey:


As all of you can see, the clear majority of people voted for the RPG Maker project.

We're well aware that some people are not happy about this result, but still we're going with what the majority voted for.

The reasons for all of this had already been explained in the post where we introduced the poll/survey, so I'll spare the explanations.

However, if you missed the post, you can read it here:


First of all, we want to thank everyone for your trust and support.

Crescentia and I (Wolfenstahl) are thinking about investing some extra time and money into starting this RPG Maker project, so we can present you a first playable version as soon as possible.

(still don't expect any miracles, we need some time to get the basic foundation of the game done)

We're thinking about including 2 characters as well as story and battles up to the first boss battle into the first version of the game.

(everything in full quality and colour)

The main character will of course be Ferania.

We put a lot of thought into who to pick as second character.

Naturally it would make the most sense to pick one of the main characters.

Namely Minori, Chiira, Claire, Aurora and Catheline.

Looking at them, the character which makes the most sense to team up with Ferania at this point is Minori.

(she's the most balanced, and she can have normal conversations as well as arguments with Ferania)

We'll add all (or rather almost all) of the other characters as we move forward with this project, so don't worry.

Shiwa will make it into the game as well, at least at some point.

How we plan to progress after releasing the first playable version:

We're thinking about adding more and more story, locations and bosses as we move forward.

Kinda like episodic updates or something.

As the story progresses, more characters will either join the group or need to be rescued.

And yes, there's a party limit of 4 characters, but you will be able to swap out party members at some sort of HQ between missions.

The further the story progresses, the more playable characters will be available.

We also plan to do a lot more polls/votes in the future, in order to give you all the chance to vote for certain fetishes or enemies that make it into the game.

(thought please note, that Cres doesn't like to draw certain fetishes, she draws a lot of things, but not "all" things, at any rate we'll talk about this some other time)

I think I'll stop here for now.

More news will follow in the upcoming weeks.



Catheline didn't win? *sniff* *sniff*


sadly she didn't win, but she will get into the game sonner or later^^ after all she is one of the main characters ;3