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I just send a mail to all Patrons from 5$ tier upwards.

It's not an updated version, still the same as last time, but I thought I should send it again so all new supporters or the ones who recently switched tiers get the link.

If you encounter any problems with the game, please feel free to send me a note or comment here as detailed as possible. Every tiny detail can be important to fix issues.

Besides of that, I'll start some votes in the upcoming days regarding the direction Deathblight Apocalypse should take.
Depending on the results this can lead to minor adjustments or even to a complete remake, which basically means an entirely different game.

That said, I wish you all a nice day^^



i noticed it said for those who recently switched teirs was my switch from a few days not in time? just curious is all


I got a notice from another patron last time too, because he switched tiers but didn't recieved the message. I can't explain why patreon does not change it right away, I just can say that I can see at ones profile what he's currently pledging and what that Patron has pledged so far, but the patron list might say something else. But what I don't know is when Patreon udates the Patron list. Probably it get's updated at the beginning of every month when the payment get's collected, so Patreon counts only those who's payment got through in that new tier. If you switch after everything got collected and send, then you have to wait for next month. It's just a guess, but I think that might be plausible. But everyone who successfully pledged at the 5$ tier or higher should have recieved that mail. So everyone who didn't got the second mail with the link, please wait for next month. I'll send it out again.


Thank, the game is good and fun for a first alpha.