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Hello everyone!

We are fully back now!

For those who don't know what I'm talking about:

(I recommend to join our discord server for getting news faster: https://discord.gg/MzWWayw)

We were moving appartments, so lots of time got put into that which is why we weren't as active in june as we would have wanted to.

But aside from needing to unpack a couple more boxes we are fully set in the new appartment now, with internet connection active and all.

(Getting internet set up in a new appartment can take up to 3 weeks here, so good thing it went rather quickly.)

I'm quite glad that we didn't end up homeless, which was a possibility.

We needed to move places because our old appartments contract was terminated, so we were forced to look for a new place which was darn hard due to the whole corona sitiation. We didn't had any luck for months, either no replies at all or we got declined before we even had a chance to look at a place.

Being self employed isn't exactly well looked upon here where Wolfenstahl and I live, most people here think it might as well count as unemployed, so that made finding a new place even harder.

At any rate, we are at our new appartment now so we can focus on working propperly again.

And that's all I wanted to say for now :3

Thanks for reading!





I didn't know about your situation, but I'm glad to hear it turned out all right.

Timothy Cowher

Hum, is there somewhere I could download the full comic to read offline?


Not the full comic, but I do complete packages once a chapter is done. so you can download chapter 0-4 here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/deathblight-5-6098059 chapter 5 doesn't have a compiled download yet since this chapter is still running