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Ahoy hoy!

I'm pretty sure some of you might have wondered why there still isn't and update for LDH, right?

Unfortunaly our composer still hasn't showed up again, which is why we have kept the update back, but since it doesn't look like Illustrious is showing up soon, we decided to get the new update ready without the SFX.
This will take a bit since we now have to remove code again that was meant for the SFX.

So the next LDH update will have music and the werewolf but no SFX anymore.

But since you guys and girls have waited for so long now, we decided to upload the early alpha version of Deathblight Apocalypse for every Patron tier 5$+ and upwards in the next days.

Please keep in mind that this will be indeed a very early alpha, so currently there is no hentai contend, and still much can be changed. (Like reworking some sprites etc.)
We just have Ferania, a map and one type of enemy to fight, but it should roughly show how the game is supposed to work.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask^^



Hi thank for the news i'm have just one question. Does the SFX will now always in the future after the music patch? 2016 ? 2017? or never ? :o


I can't say much about this yet, since our composer is still gone and I have no clue when or even if he will ever come back. Of course we will look for another composer, but currently I don't know if LDH will ever get SFX or not.