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Hey, Wolfenstahl the head of Team Projekt Wolfenstahl here!

Even though Deathblight Guilty Raid is NOT Patreon funded, I still figured it's best to inform everyone about the recent changes on the team and how it affects the project.

Our programmer has fallen ill with a serious illness recently (not covid-19).

Because of this he can't continue working for us for the forseeable future, and while there's been some issues with the programming all along during the development, this is basically a huge problem now.

I've been spending more than 47 000 USD (which are documented) out of my own pocket (savings, money from commissions and hired work, as well as money I inherited from family) on developing Deathblight Guilty Raid, no one else has money in this, so while I understand that people are going to be sad about the news, I'm technically the only one who has truly "lost" something in this entire matter.

People can say what they want, it's a simple fact that I'm the only one who was harmed in this entire case and you can trust me that I'm really upset about how this went.

Definitelly more upset than anyone else.

I looked for ANY realistically possible way to save this project, but for the time being there is no satisfying solution.

But to get back to the topic again:

Since the project was planned to be carried by an entire team, not only a single person, and I don't have time to work on this myself, it is now "stuck" and I can't exactly say when it will be continued.

My own work lays with community management, the webcomics, team leading and several other things like Deathblight RPG etc.

So I don't have any time left to work personally on DB Guilty Raid's programming and I'll have to see which solution may apply later down the line.

For now the project is halted indefinitelly, and I have effectively lost 47 000 USD at the time of writing this.

This is no joke...

I already weighed all possible options, from hiring other folks (unreliable) to dropping other projects (not a good idea) to basically anything else that came to mind.

In my opinion, the best course of action is for me to carry on with my other plans, and wrap up DB Guilty Raid once I have time to do this myself, personally, without having to rely on anyone else.

But I can't say when this will exactly be the case, as, as I stated earlier, I'm burried under a mountain of work which is more important in my opinion.

DB Guilty Raid was simply meant to be carried on the shoulders of an entire team.

So when our programmer dropped out for good, that was simply doomed to happen.

DB RPG experiences some delays due to this as well, as I assigned our programmer to do stuff on this one as well.

But given the situation, I'll have to take care of this personally.

So while there will be noteable delays, DB RPG will continue and Cres will be continuing to draw graphics in the meantime.

It simply means the upcoming release is delayed, but progress is still being made in the meantime towards the next update after the upcoming release.

I hope you all understand.

In case you have questions, feel free to ask anytime!

Best regards,



I don't want to hire a new programmer at this point in time.

I know Blade (our old programmer) in RL and there's been some trust issues I have towards him due to how things went down with DB Guilty Raid.

So I'm less willing to try my luck with someone I haven't met in RL and I'm not willing to put an entire project as well as even more money on some unknown person I can't get a hold off in RL.

I hope you understand!


Game Salamander

It's too bad, but I completely understand why GR is on hold for the foreseeable future. You guys do what you have to, and I look forward to whatever comes next!


My thoughts on the matter is that this is the smartest choice, as unfortunate and disappointing as it is. I'm gutted it's not coming to fruition (two of my all time favs were gonna be in it) but what's healthy for the company right now matters most. I want DB and Projekt Wolfenstahl to last for years after all. I joke about it but I kinda do want a 30 year anniversary down the line xD Hopefully you come back to this awesome exciting project one day. Hell, set it as a Patreon monetary goal. Make it high enough like 10K and it'll be something to tackle several years from now and this platform can then fund it. That way you hopefully won't make such insane losses. Could still sell it as some other devs do too. Still, while this is a set back I have full confidence you'll bounce back stronger than ever. And there's still many exciting and lewd things to come haha.


1 step forward, 2 steps back. You were out of luck. There's nothing left except the comic book and the DB RPG. and even the comic will lose its current format soon. I 'm sad :/


Oh no worries! We'll continue working on stuff of course. Being it the upcoming new webcomic or other projects. There will always be something! It's only that without the programmer DB Guilty Raid couldn't proceed at this point in time. (I'd have to drop the webcomic and DB RPG if I want to focus on DB Guilty Raid personally, so that's not an option) I'm just one single person who can't handle that much work on their own. At least all the other stuff keeps on going. I hope you understand! ^^


Thanks! We'll definitelly keep you all updated on the next steps, the webcomic and everything else.


We don't want to connect DB Guilty Raid with Patreon funding. That aside, it doesn't change our problem of not having a programmer currently! Money is not an issue right now. The problem is not having the personell (programmer) and Wolf (me) being burried under too much other important work. Also, we're not willing to hire some unknown programmer to "try our luck", as we've had enough of that lately. It's just too unreliable and too much of a pain in the ass. So we'd rather pause the project and continue it once I (Wolf) have the time to tackle it personally. Thank you very much for understanding and for your support though! We appreciate it a lot ^^


do you think even if you dont know a person the chance of having another programmer you might give them a chance?


I'm sorry to hear about the situation with Guilty Raid and your financial loss. Just out of curiosity, what qualifications were needed for the programmer?


Sorry to hear about that and about your financal loss.


I'm afraid the financial damage I suffered so far is too severe for me to "try out other people" currently. If I put my faith in someone, I need to 100% be certain they will pull through or I can hold them accountible in some form or manner. (and I'm afraid this is not possible) As for the trust issues: Let me just say that I trusted my previous programmer a lot, and without naming what he exactly did, he managed to break my faith in him completely. So I'm hesitant about giving people I don't know a chance. (plus the finances of course)


The most important qualifiactions where: - able to programm/script in GML (Game Maker Language) - reliable person who can deliver on time and pulls through - trustworthy person (no lies, no excuses, just plain honest and straightforward) I'd even say the "trustworthy person" trait is probably the most important one to me.


We suffered some great losses there, but we'll be fine, no worries! Thanks for understanding.


Wow that sucks. Hope things are getting better (for the developer and your moneybag)

Mao Tsclusul

holy s§Wß that happened 'tis no fun in these times and seeing the numbers #_# ... there is not much to say than wish you luck!