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Much to post today.

So, first of all I wanted to show you the results for the poll I did for the Werewolf enemy for LDH.

65% of you voted that we should implement it.
So we can go on and work on that.

But I also have "bad" news.
Wolfenstahl mentioned on our game dev blog post that our composer Illustrious wasn't able to work on the SFX for LDH because his Notebook broke.
Music is done, but soundeffects are not.

Sadly I haven't heared from Illustrious since the Notebook issue which is about 2 weeks ago, so I have to admit that we are not able to get the newest version for LDH out this month.

Of course we get it done as soon as possible, once we recieve the sound effects.

I'm very sorry for the inconvenience.

This is already taking so long and still we come across new issues that keeps us away from releasing a new version.

I'm very sorry for this....

Since this is pretty much a bummer I decided to draw another artwork for you guys just like the webcomic filler artworks that I did a while ago, so you guys and girls have at least something to look forward to^^

I guess that's all for now, time to curl up into my bed and go to sleep.

Good night!



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