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time for the sketch package^^

Hope you like it ^v^

PS: I noticed before the end of each month several people jump off my Patreon campaign and return somewhere in the middle of the next month o.o

It's not very nice to grab the rewards and just disappear before payday, but it can't be helped. There are always people who are cheating the system.

But good thing that it's just a few people doing that and that most of you are honest and stay here to actually support me, so I also want to thank you guys and girls very much for supporting me and enable me to be an artist! ^v^

It really means a lot to me, so thank you very very much!
You're super awesome and I couldn't do this without your help! ^v^

(Phew, I think this month or next month, this campaign exists for 1 year already o.o)

But I better stop writing now and get back to work^^

Enjoy the sketches!



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