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phew, since I named the winners last month so late, I wasn't able to deliver those speedpaints earlier. Sorry about that^^''

Also I will not be able to do a sketch package for last month. To much stuff was going on, I simply couldn't find any time to sketch stuff for it.
But I think I can upload a sketch package for this month somewhat soon^v^

soooo~ today we have Catheline sitting on a chair~

*sigh* I dunno why but I tend to draw much longer on Cath than on any other character. I don't do this on purpose oO

it just happens, haha ^^''

I adore her a lot so I get lost in time while drawing her.

Hope you like it ^v^




Thats good that you take longer on Cath since shes about to get some! Will be expecting some good scenes in the comic :)