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so Wolfenstahl just posted this information on the game dev blog.

Here is the original Post, but I will also copy it in here:


*copy aaaaand paste*


What is planned for the future?

We thought it would be best to finish what we've been working on LDH since the last patch.

So the stuff we started working on isn't wasted.

What the next and most likely last version of LDH will include is mainly music and SFX, and probably some other things. Since some voice acting recordings are still missing, it's very unlikely that this patch will be released this month. Hopefully we're able to wrap things up next month though.

Other than that, we'll be working on Deathblight Apocalypse as soon as possible!

Most of our supporters on Patreon voted for DA, and here on the blog it seems to be received very well too. (though here on the blog it is as popular as Paperheads 2, while on Patreon DA won with 56% voting)

About Deathblight Apocalypse:

In case you wonder why we hadn't worked on this earlier, this is because DA is a lot more work than LDH. As all the ingame graphics are animated, and the CG scenes are fully lined and coloured.

With only 1-2 days per month (1-2 days were we don't need to work on commissions or the webcomic), we wouldn't have been able to produce results in satisfying intervals.

By that I mean, it was easy to make a bunch of sketches for LDH in only 1-2 days per month, thus being able to release a new version each month so far.

But it's an entirely different story with high quality (full coloured) artworks and ingame animated graphics. (LDH had no real ingame animations of any sort, it was just static graphics "moving" by mirroring the image etc.)

I'll be honest with you, this means DA will only get a new patch every 2-4 months.

Of course if support via Patreon continues to rise, we will be able to put more time into DA and thus release patches more often. Currently we're also thinking about other ways to "solve" this situation, as we don't think that an increase in Patreon support is a given.

And yes, we're aware that there is no way to quickly "solve" this.

But we're thinking in long-term solutions here.

We already have some ideas, but nothing is really decided yet.

I won't lie, basically all of this means:

Progress will be very slow on DA, unless we rack up a lot of financial support.

But we'll put as much time and effort into it as we can afford to.

And of course, we're doing our best to fulfill what we promise our supporters.


So yup, I guess this sums up what we are currently thinking about.

Don't get us wrong, you guys are already a big help and we are very very thankful for all of you who are already supporting us, but it's still not enough to make somewhat fast progress game development wise. Most of the money goes in the webcomic, not all pledges go through and Patreon also takes it's share as well as Paypal.

Still you help us a lot, so thank you very very much^^

Let's see how we will solve this situation~



DA!! DA!!!


Tried to write this on the blog, but OpenID is acting up and refusing to let do anything. Dang, seems like some people are giving you a lot of crap for this. I've been following your group since well before Paperheads was released, and while I've been saddened at times by the directions that the lack of support has gotten you (like Geisterhand being canceled), the products have always been excellent, and the progress in both the art and games has been steady and clear. You probably know better than I do that the porn crowd is a tough one to satisfy, especially if you actually want to tell a good story rather than just laying out smut, so don't let the naysayers get you down. As another blogger wrote, the most important thing is that you're enjoying yourselves. The webcomic pages, monthly art releases, and occasional game updates are well worth my investment, so keep up the good work!


thank you very very much for your kind words. we kinda expected that this would happen, because who likes to hear that something they want will not get updated that frequently? I guess that's the price for being honest, but I would not do this any other way. Better losing some support while being honest instead of gaining support via lies and then not being able to keep those promises. Viewed in long term, I think being honest is the right way to go, even if we don't have that much support then^^ Somehow we will work through this, even if it's just slowly^^ *is very happy now after your nice comment* heh, a while ago I saw a post on tumblr with a photo of a sign which said something like: "I offer this 3 services: -fast -cheap -good But you can only pick 2 of them." I guess this aplies for pretty much every job xD if it is fast and cheap, it not good. if it is cheap and good, it's not fast, and if it is good and fast, it's not cheap. Wanting all 3 options is simply impossible^^ nya~