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Ahoy everyone, phew....that was a loooong drive x.x Took us about 14 hours to reach our destination, very exhausting. But let's put that aside, I wanted to let you know that it's sadly not possible to deliver any new webcomic pages this week. Instead I'll be doing some filler artworks. Those can be drawn faster than a page since there will be only one character on it per artwok and I can work on those alone. You see, since Wolfenstahl is the author, he needs to work together with me to create a new page, but he's too stressed out with all the things going on (the summer heat, his grandmas funeral, those horribly long drive in a car ect. ect.) that it would be simply to much to fokus on the webcomic. So I thought it would be best to deliver 3 nice coloured artworks instead, for the 3 pages that are delayed for now. We will be back home next Monday, so from there we should be able to work normaly again. This week is just far to stressfull, but it should be better next week. Sorry for making you wait! >.< *starts working on those artworks now*



S'kay. I think we all understand.


its all good no worries, plenty of time to capture up on the webcomic :) but some opportunities cannot be missed... hope to hear from you guys soon!


thank you all so much for your kindness! *deeply bows* hope you all like the upcoming artworks^^