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so just like on our game dev blog, I've created a poll for you guys and girls here.

It's the same as on the blog, but this one is for patrons only, since I want to know YOUR opinion, because you are the ones who are already supporting us^^

This is why I must ask you NOT to share this vote with friends, because we only would like to see what Patrons want^^

Evereyone else is very welcome to vote on the public poll on the blog.

So here is the post with the information about the options for the poll:
click me

and here is the Patreon poll:

click me too!

It's on strawpoll, since Patreon itself doesn't have a poll option. Hope they will add this feature in the future on Patreon too o.o

From today on in 2 weeks I will take a screenshot with the results and post it here.

On a sidenote:

I think I'm going to rework our campaign here a bit soon, since the milestone goals don't really have anything regarding games yet, and probably some other milestone rewards will be added.

But there is nothing decided yet. Need to come up with some milestones first lol

Also I want to add a little more artwork on the main page to make it look less boring. Currently we have about 95% text which isn't as interesting to look at o.o


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