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ugh, I'm actually a bit ashamed for having to say that page 30 get's delayed too. It's the second time in a row and I'm really sorry for that .___. It's almost 5 a.m. were I live and I tried my best to finish this page but it's still not done yet and sleepyness kicks in which means I'm geting slower and slower. I just tried to do too much work at once (commissions, that new artwork of verdani for the new post on the gamedev blog ect.)°^° I will get back to work and finish the page as soon as I get up again. Good night everyone, and once again, sorry for delaying again^^''



No worries i rather have a delayed page rather then one that is rushed :) quality over quantity! Rest up well!!

Kaede Kagami

Don't overdo yourself dear. *hug you*


thank you all for your very nice comments! ^v^