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I figured we should post a status update on Dark Alley Elf and Deathblight RPG, so here it is!

First in regards to Dark Alley Elf's (short: DAE) release delays:

The game has been done at the end of August, as our testers among you can confirm.

Negotiations with various storefronts (as well as waiting on updated contracts) held up the game's release so far.

Currently the game is being reviewed and we should get a release date any day now.

We expect a release within a week, hopefully, I apologize for the delays even though it's totally outside of our control.

In regards to Deathblight RPG:

I'm currently reviewing the newest build, and it's almost release ready.

There's still some adjustments to be made and bugs to be fixed, but the release can happen any day now.

Thank you very much for everyone's patience and apologies for the delays and inconveniences caused by this.


Yes, the teammembers not working on DB RPG are already working on a new side project, but I will keep it secret until we have some actual game footage to show.





A secret project? How exciting!