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And that's the day she quit.


Let me see... judging from the damage to the platter, I'm going to say that the knife hit with about the force of a 9mm bullet. Given the masses of typical 9mm bullets and table knives (about 7.5 g and 70 g respectively), and the muzzle velocity of a 9mm bullet (380 m/s); using the equation for kinetic energy (1/2)m(v^2), we can determine that the knife was thrown at about 124 m/s, which is about 446 km/hr or 277 miles/hr. To put that in perspective, that's more than 2.5 times faster than the fastest baseball ever thrown. So yeah, these girls are STRONG. :)


Anybody else having problems getting the comic to work on tumblr?


Haha xD I already wondered if someone was going to calculate that impact, but I'm surprised one actually did xD


Well i tried to use the link and at first it looked like it works but then Tumblr decided to redirect me to the dashboard everytime.... ^^" Nvm now it works strange