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Crescentia finished another base CG, so all that's left to do on the CG scenes is finishing the last CG scene on Saturday's live stream.

After that there might be some polishing left to do on the CG scenes, but the major amount of the work has been taken care off.

Boxman also made some great progress on the tileset, as you can see in the picture above.

While Blade and Zhuan made some progress in their respective fields (programming and writing).

Technically, today the 2 week mark is reached, but we figured to include all the optional goals from our optional goal list.

(the "must have" content as well as some of the optional goals had been fulfilled already, so we figured we'd just push it all the way)

As I mentioned in previous posts, it's only mandatory for Cres to return to her work on Deathblight RPG, since noone else has work to do with that one.

(Blade already finished the mini game implementation for Ferania's Job, so only the graphical work is left to do for the next release)

And since that works out as planned, it's no problem to let the rest of the team work on the "2 week game project" for a couple more days.

(also please note, that polishing it up might take a bit time too, but we'll let Patrons play some earlier builds of the game)

To give you a better understanding so you know what we had on our optional list for the Francesca game:

- a sewer area with tentacle monsters (also CGs for them)

- some powerups and talismans for magic

- simple building interiors, so you can enter some of the buildings (not all of them)

- some more enemy types (mostly humans, aside from the tentacle monsters)

Since the brunt of the work is done, I won't be writing progress reports every two days from now on.

(especially because Cres and I will be getting back to working on the webcomic as well as Deathblight RPG)

But you'll certainly see at least 2 progress reports before we release the game.

I hope you're looking forward to those!

See ya!


Yeah, no daily live streams anymore.

Next live stream is on Saturday 21:00 GMT+2 like usual.


(No title)



I will miss the daily stream. Outstanding work.

Carter Parks

Goddammit, the anticipation for this is fucking KILLING ME.


Question: Says two week game, says extra couple days, that ended yesterday, and was told patrons would play earlier versions earlier, is something to play coming soon? Timeline is confusing but I can't wait to play.


Wolf said the following: Yes that is right, the project was originally planned as 2 week project, but we decided to add some extra's from our "optional list" to it. Cres already finished her work, the other teammembers are still working on it. We plan to release a demo version to higher tier Patrons in the next couple days. 5$ tier upwards will get access to the playable game once it has been completed. (though we might toss out a demo version before that)