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Ahoy, it's time for another small update on how DB RPG is doing.

As you can see, I continued my work on the CGs.

Bladefire implemented a fast forward function for the texts and he's also still working on Ferania's job as a bouncer/stripper.

Sadly art progress was slower this month because I had a surgery on my foot (at the 17th April) which did hurt quite a bit in the days after the surgery, so I wasn't able to work much. (Had to take painkillers and put my foot up high and even then it was hurting so much that it was super distracting)

But it's gotten better bit by bit over the last week  and I'm slowly starting to do more work with every new day so I'll be soon back to my full working hours.
If the healing process stays good, it should be healed at the end of this month.




No rush, get well! (Also pretty sketches! Are those for DB RPG too? I love the movement in it)


love it, judging from just the line art, the finished pieces are gonna look awesome. If there's actual sex involved in the next update, don't know if i'll be able to contain myself :D


So is there gonna be any consequences if we have Ferania do the job over and over again by chance? Like a extra game over CG?


love the boob smoosh :)


All the way to the base!!!


that's actually just a rough sketch, not a lineart^^ the lineart would be clean thin lines ;3 but yeah, the next update should contain Feranias full job with all options. the BJ CG above is one of them.


uh, I have to ask Wolf again, but as far as I remember the different job CGs depend on the corruption level. So for the main part the job CGs aren't actually game over CGs, just CGs to show what Ferania is doing. I think only if a certain amount of corruption is reached there is a game over CG. But like I said, I have to ask Wolf to confirm this^^ After all I'm just the one drawing the CGs but I'm not the one planning what will happen in the game.