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We're still working towards Alpha 4.1, getting as much of the feedback into the game as possible, as well as polishing the content from Alpha 4 as much as we can.

However, more importantly, we also want to give a shoutout to Kagura Games and their game release on Steam!


Maybe some of you want to take a look at "Fallen ~Makina and the City of Ruins~".

It's an RPG Maker MV game, very story driven, simple gameplay and CG scenes that are connected to the story.

There's some corruption mechanic when Makina engages in lewd activities.

Despite there's no combat hentai, it's still a pretty good game, also the english translation is really really good!

(it's an actual translation in fact, no machine translation)

So maybe some of you might like the game ^^

Check out the screenshots and trailers and see for yourself.

Personally, I enjoyed what I played so far.

Makina is pretty and I really like her personality a lot.


Yes there's also an uncensor patch, you can find their website easily by using google.



Oh sweet! It's out already? Yay. Time to corrupt another hot warrior babe. Kikiki.


Thanks for this, i had a look back in 2017 and thought it was a really good h-game but unfortunately, y'know, couldn't understand the native language. I'm stoked that the game gort released officially over here AND the translation is decent? couldn't be better.


on a semi-unrelatated note, how do people feel about buying games like this on their Steam profile? i really do want to support the dev but i'm wary about people knowing i have this in my library


@Yetila You can also get the game on jastusa and mangagamer, if you're worried about people seeing your Steam profile and giving you funny looks.


Thanks for the heads up, i had a look already but seems like i'll have to create a seperate account which i may end up doing regardless.


Or just do what I do, people ask questions about things like that in your steam profile, (which I only have one game that even COUNTS as questionable in...and it's from the Sakura series...just say, "YOU DON'T JUDGE ME, AND I WON'T JUDGE YOU FOR THE MASSIVE AMOUNT OF FIRST PERSON SHOOTERS IN YOUR LIBRARY, AND ASSUME THAT YOU'RE SOME KIND OF PSYCHOPATH." ...True story, actually.


haha^^ yeah, actually I personally think that owning hentai stuff is better than FPS stuff xD I mean, they make love, right? Love is better than shooting people :D So I'm totally behind that "don't judge me" comment above of my post, haha^^


@Crescentia Heh, there's no ''love'' in the H-games I play. Well, except maybe the love a tentacle has for violating every hole it can. :P Not that that would stop me from buying said games on Steam. If I could.


have it, finished it, was completely worth


On another note...How in the FUCK are actual HENTAI GAMES making it onto Steam when they won't even give us the full uncut US version of Records of Agarest War 2 and still give us the shitty content-cutting EU version? WHAT THE FUCK STEAM?!


To be fair, they cut the H out too. Though at least it's a lot easier to patch back in.

Mao Tsclusul

bought it on jast - no regrets (steam need to be sfw ;))